

Congratulatory Letter

19 / 09 / 2019

Today Secretary of the Security Council Mr. Armen Grigoryan sent a congratulatory letter to the newly appointed US President's National Security Advisor, Mr. Robert O'Brien.

The message runs as follows:

“Your Excellency,

I would like to extend my warmest congratulation on your appointment as National Security Adviser to the President of the United States.

Your long career in foreign policy and security areas, your recent job as US Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs at the State Department leave no doubt that you will perform your new responsible mission with vigor and dedication.

Armenia views the United States as one of its most trusted and reliable friends and partners, so please be assured that I would be honored and privileged to work with you on the common bilateral and multilateral agenda to promote our shared values, to thwart the threats to the well-being and security of our nations.

Dear colleague, I look forward to meeting with you to further the Armenian-US security agenda.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.”