

Congratulation on 27th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia

21 / 09 / 2018

Dear compatriots, with great pride I am sending my congratulations to the whole Armenian people on the occasion of our most valuable achievement, the 27th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia.
I am confident that every Armenian, in any part of the world, is filled with deference to the Armenian soldier, for owing to his self-sacrificing service are the borders of our state form and our independence is already a stable reality.
We bow our heads before all those sons of Armenia who sacrificed their lived in the name of strengthening independence and realization of our Motherland. We are deeply grateful to the soldier standing on the border, the soldier who is the most dependable bulwark of our independence.
My dear people, we will continue strengthening our country’s independence and security bequeathing a peaceful, stable and developed Motherland to the coming generations.
Long live independent, free and proud Armenia!
Happy Birthday to you, Motherland!