Interviews and press conferences


“Corruption is declared to be a challenge of the security of the country”; Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan

20 / 06 / 2018

Question. – Do you consider your resources sufficient for the resolution of the whole problems if we view the security issue not only in the context of external challenges, but also as internal corruption, education, election?
Grigoryan. - In terms of political will, I can say that the will exists and the recent actions clearly show that there is a clear policy towards the fight against corruption. Corruption is declared to be a challenge of the security of the country and there is a relentless struggle against it. Within the framework of this relentless struggle, it is always possible that we have lack of resources, but at this moment we have all the resources.
Question. - Why did not you express a definite concern over the arms sales to Azerbaijan by Russia? Unlike Azerbaijan, we are its CSTO and EEU partners and if even being a member of this institution does not provide us with full security, maybe it is time for us to take steps to go out of the institution.
Grigoryan. - It has been announced many times that there will be no change in the foreign policy course. The center of the whole revolution was domestic policy. That is to say, what we put forward was completely domestic policy and the citizens gave us mandate to carry out internal reforms. I think there is no need to go out of the institutions, we must improve the activities of those institutions.
Question. – What do you think the former authorities did not do that or those tools were more restrictive during their governance? And what can you say they did not do that deliberately or they did as far as possible?
Grigoryan. - In order to use any institution, especially if we speak about the international institution, it is necessary to have such a structure inside the country in order to use that opportunity. Let’s speak about the most usual thing: if we open a market and have a possibility to organize export, by the way, since 2010, there has been a great opportunity for sheep farming in Syunik province and for organizing export and in a very short time sheep farming began to develop in Syunik province, but after some time that sphere was monopolized and we can say that it was deprived of that opportunity to export. That is, if we have a free market, if our institutions start to operate efficiently, if our businesses competing inside become more competitive, it is possible to use more of that international conjuncture. That is, we have to look at the problem not outside, the problem is mostly inside.

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