Interviews and press conferences


Interview with the Security Council Secretary Mr. Armen Grigoryan

10 / 09 / 2019

Today Secretary of the Security Council Mr. Armen Grigoryan gave an interview to the Public Television. During the interview he has referred to Artsakh, particularly in the recent Local Government Elections in Artsakh, and also they’ve spoken about Armenian-Russian relations, current challenges, and the developments of strategic and infrastructure programs.

- Our government regularly works very actively for ensuring security. Recently three important decisions have been made. The first is the increase in the salaries of the military, which has been very positively perceived and caused great excitement. The next is the solution to the water supply problem in the positions, which is also very important.The third - 2.9 billion AMD was provided for the provision of retired military housing.

-Sorry, was there no water in the posts?

- Until now there was no permanent supply of water, some have had pilot project, but we have now set ourselves the task of having water in all positions. We will solve 60-70% of the permanent water supply by December. We already have all the funds and the rest I think will be very soon, may be until May․

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