Interviews and press conferences


The Factor TV's Interview With the Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan

16 / 04 / 2021

Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan spoke about certain episodes, as well as related publicized documents of the 44-day war during an interview with the Factor TV.

Armen Grigoryan discussed the announcements made by the Armed Force’s former Head of General Staff Onik Gasparyan and related documents publicized by the Office of the Security Council. He emphasized that there seems to be an impression that Onik Gasparyan attempts to edit (rewrite) the past since a majority of the ideas expressed in those announcements contradict the reality, which is evident in documents publicized by the Office of the Security Council.

Armen Grigoryan also added that "there are many contradictions! For example, Onik Gasparyan claims that he presented a report during the Security Council session held several days after his appointment, but it is evident in the publicized documents that he did not present that day. Then, Onik Gasparyan claims that he had asked to stop the war on the fourth day of the war, but it is evident in the document that Onik Garsparyan did not express such an idea. On the contrary, during the session of the Security Council on the fourth day of the war, on September 39th, Onik Gasparyan informed that the adversary had no progress and that there were even achievements in the direction of Jebrayil.”

According to Armen Grigoryan, it is also remarkable that Onik Gasparyan has participated in the main processes taking place in Armenia since November 10th, but the public has never seen him. He added that "Onik Gasparyan keeps making statements that do not correspond to the reality, then he offers clarifications. However, we have never heard from him. Onik Gasparyan has not appeared in front of the public directly, so the public would see him. When we try to analyze these facts, we get the impression that someone else is putting out Onik Gasparyan's statements, someone who does not assume responsibility for his statements.” Grigoryan compared the above-mention phenomenon to the fake accounts often found on Facebook and their irresponsible behavior.

The full video is below