Press releases


Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan held a meeting with Co-Chairs of Armenian Assembly of America (“AAA”)

09 / 06 / 2018

Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan held a meeting with Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian, Armenian Assembly of America (“AAA”) Co-Chairs, Executive Director Bryan Ardouny and Regional Director Arpi Vardanyan on June 9 2018. During the meeting they discussed issues related to ensuring the security of the Armenians abroad, as well as cooperation with Diaspora. The representatives of the Assembly expressed hope that the new political realities in Armenia would have a positive impact on the Diaspora-homeland cooperation and boost both civil society building and foreign investment flow to Armenia ensuring sustainable economic growth, which is, according to Armen Grigoryan, directly linked to the improvement and development of the security sector. The representatives of the Armenian Assembly of America expressed their willingness to support Armenia in the areas of foreign policy as well as cooperation with the United States.