Press releases


International center for combating drugs and drug addiction will be set up in Armenia

24 / 12 / 2013

Today, the regular session of the interdepartmental commission on combating illegal turnover of drugs and drug addiction took place headed by Secretary of the National Security Council Artur Baghdasaryan.
In his speech Artur Baghdasaryan first informed that in the framework of CSTO a center for combating drugs and drug addiction will be set up in Armenia next year.
"The Republic of Armenia will be the first country to establish such a center and that center will be supplied with up-to-date equipment, labs and will be located in the police system”, noted Secretary of the National Security Council.
As said Artur Baghdasaryan, the corresponding agreements have already been reached and there are signed documents. "I think this will be a very important infrastructure for the work of our state agencies, because nowadays chemical drugs have become more and Armenia has no modern laboratory equipment to fight against them. I think the establishment of the modern center will allow more effectively promoting anti-drug campaigns”, emphasized Artur Baghdasaryan.
At the session of the commission, the "Draft National Strategy of Combating Drug Addiction and Illegal Drug Turnover in the Republic of Armenia" was discussed and approved which will be submitted to the session of the National security Council to be approved.
Then the members of the Staff Monitoring Committee of the National Security Council reported on the monitoring of the effectiveness of the implementation of the measures envisaged by the “National program on combating illegal turnover of drugs and drug addiction in the Republic of Armenia for 2009-2012” in the RA Ministries of Health, Labor and Social Affairs, Education and Science and the central apparatus of the RA Police.
The results of the monitoring shall be submitted to the President of the Republic of Armenia on the basis of which the President signs relevant legal acts. Working problems discovered as a result of the monitoring are the subject of discussion and resolution of the commission.
A number of other issues related to the combating illegal turnover of drugs and drug addiction were also discussed at the session.