Press releases


Meeting with the delegation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

10 / 10 / 2019

Today Secretary of the Security Council Mr. Armen Grigoryan received the delegation headed by Jumakhon Giyosov, Director of the Executive Committee of The Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (RATS SCO).

At the start of the meeting, Secretary Mr. Grigoryan welcomed the delegation of the RATS SCO Executive Committee in Armenia and noted that Armenia is interested in the existing opportunities for deepening ties.

At the same time, the Secretary of the Security Council drew the guests' attention to the sharp escalation of the regional situation, which is a consequence of the Turkish Armed Forces invading the territory of the Syrian Republic. Armenia strongly opposes such actions calls on the international community to take action.

Secretary Mr. Grigoryan attached special importance to the role and importance of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism, as well as the importance of the RATS SCO activity in this context.

The Secretary particularly noted: “The Republic of Armenia strongly rejects terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, regardless of its underlying causes, motives, and goals. Terrorist activity should not be linked to and identified with any particular civilization, religion or ethnic group."

Mr. Gyosov in his turn presented the goals of his delegation, the current level and agenda of Armenia-SCO relations and the preparatory measures.