Press releases


“We should use all opportunities to fully develop the security system,” NSC Secretary Artur Baghdasaryan says

25 / 06 / 2010

The National Security Council is already two years old. NSC Secretary Artur Baghdasaryan held a press briefing on this occasion.

The Secretary of the National Security Council said the National Security Council’s main focus had been on most important actions, programs, study of activities and adoption of corresponding strategic decisions, which were all related to strategic development of internal and external security of our country. “In the framework of the National Security Council 6 inter-agency commissions have been set up, two more were added during last months. The activities of these commissions are aimed at addressing most important issues. First, these are issues related to Armenia’s military-industrial complex development; I signed a corresponding protocol with the CSTO Secretary General on the 14th of June in Moscow which will allow strengthening military-industrial cooperation between Armenia and the CSTO Member States. The representatives of the military-industrial complexes of these countries have already visited Armenia, concrete arrangements have been made. I would like to mention that 4 important activities are expected in the framework of the CSTO in the upcoming 6 months which are aimed at enhancing security environment as well as strengthening cooperation in the military-industrial field. The next key point is the improvement of the level of border security and the impregnability of our borders.
The role of the Security Council is as well extremely important in our public administration system conditioned by the fact that the NSC staff has processed more than 3500 letters during these two years. Basically, all security field legal acts adopted in Armenia are thoroughly examined by the NSC staff.
In today’s globalizing and competing world nations and societies are concerned about three things; first, it is public health, secondly, it is security, and the third one is social well-being. A human being wants to be healthy, live secure and have a social status to be able to keep his family with his job.”

In addition, NSC Secretary answered the questions of the journalists

- Is Armenia going to provide assistance to Kyrgyzstan in the framework of the CSTO?

- Yes. A special session of the CSTO Security Council Secretaries was called by the Acting President of the CSTO, President of the Russian Federation Medvedev. The issue of providing assistance to Kyrgyzstan was discussed and the Security Council Secretaries approved the program. Later, the Presidents of the countries signed the document package approved from our side. A respective decision composed of around 9 points was adopted. Armenia is committed to the spirit of the signed document and will provide necessary assistance to Kyrgyzstan. We will inform the public about this support in the nearest future. There is an on-going study of the type and volume of the assistance.

- How would you describe the general situation at Armenian borders? Please, do comment also on the recent incident on the NK border in this context.

We believe borders must be more impregnable, more secure, our border infrastructures must as well be modernized. Unfortunately, our border infrastructures and border crossing points do not meet international standards. We have most serious problems and today we have undertaken the task to find the solutions. There is much work done, and we will have better results by the end of the year. In addition, we have our partners’ full support in these efforts; it is the Russian Federation on one hand, and the European Union on the other, which are also involved in the activities aimed at modernizing Armenia’s border infrastructures and improving the level of border security.
With reference to the recent incident, I would like to mention that we seriously condemn what happened as I stated also at a meeting with the EU special representative. Everybody condemns that incident, that provocation but I do not think the incident may hamper further negotiation process. Armenia is faithful to further peaceful negotiations, and we believe similar provocations should be ignored. We find it unacceptable and reprehensible when one combines negotiation and acts of provocation. We have repeatedly stated that the combat-readiness of our armed forces is at a high level. Nowadays, serious reforms for the defense field strategic review are being conducted in Armenia, and we think the country must do utmost to raise the level of general security and further continue peaceful negotiations. I am sure you have heard the speeches of the President of the Republic and the Minister of Defense in this respect.

- What issue will the military exercises in the framework of NATO in Armenia address? My second question is: to what extent the concerns that the war could recommence are real?

Large military exercises are due to be conducted in autumn this year under Armenia-NATO framework which is a planned activity to be implemented in the field of emergency situations in line with NATO standards. Let me remind you that we have already held “Roubezh 2008” military exercises under the framework of the CSTO, and this is an activity to be conducted in the emergency situations field together with NATO.

As far as further guesses are concerned, we should not forget the national saying, “if you want peace, be ready for war.” Today, we are ready for any development scenario but I do not support the artificial rumors among our public that soon the war will recommence. Moreover, similar statements are unacceptable, we simply need to understand that we live in a complex region, we have yet an unsolved conflict. This means our armed forces have to be ready to face any aggression. The efforts of our political authority are aimed at establishing honorable peace in the region and regulating the NK conflict, which assumes three factors; clarification of the NK status, which has two components – either an independent state or reunited with Armenia. Secondly, it is the existence of a direct land link, in other words exclusion of mediated link between Armenia and the NK, thirdly, complex security measures or guarantees. Generally speaking, there are less guarantees in life than opportunities. This means we should make best use of our opportunities to achieve more real security guarantees, and the last incident illustrated that this statement is truly well-grounded.

- Doesn’t the opening of foreign language schools threaten Armenia’s national security?

- We are convinced that the benefits will be ultimately better for our children inasmuch as the quality of foreign language teaching in our public education is enhanced. We do not accept those naive provocations that foreign language teaching will be conducted at the cost of the native language. Nowadays, you cannot find a German, who speaks solely German, he speaks excellent German, but also English, French. We think this approach should further continue. As far as the recent legislation initiative is concerned, there were a lot of artificial speculations and discussions. The Rule of Law thinks 2 private schools among more than 1500 secondary schools do not threaten Armenia’s national security. The position of the Rule of Law party is a clear and principled one. We have adopted a wise decision to have two schools in our country, besides that, foreign languages will be taught starting from the seventh grade. I do not envision a danger. As long as the 9 interstate schools are concerned, we yet need to find 9 governments which will be willing to found schools in Armenia through interstate agreements. I act as the Chairman of the boards of trustees of two higher educational institutions – French University and the European Academy in Armenia. The establishment of these institutions was the result of serious and high level efforts. We have to understand that this is a matter of providing opportunity for our citizens; that our compatriots can have this opportunity in Armenia and not look for it in neighboring Georgia. Providing an opportunity does not mean acting against national security. There are just two types of people in this respect – provocateurs and those who are genuinely concerned. I address those who are really concerned: dear compatriots, you don’t have to worry as two private schools among 1500 others is not an issue. And provocateurs will anyhow argue. This is done by law, which is easier to change than governmental or departmental decisions.