Press releases


Practical steps towards development of armaments industry

29 / 04 / 2010

An interagency commission on armaments industry development issues has been established by the order of the President of the Republic. The commission is chaired by the NSC Secretary Artur Baghdasaryan.

Artur Baghdasaryan met with the heads of 39 enterprises which cooperate with the Ministry of Defence to discuss armaments industry issues and find ways of solution.
He stressed that the commission’s task is to elaborate the military industrial complex development concept in Armenia, a state program, as well as to take practical steps towards the development of military-industrial complex.
“A serious study has been conducted to get a picture of how the military-industrial complex develops in other countries. In the developed countries of Western Europe 10-15 percent of the state budget is spent on the development of military-industrial complex, because it results in the development and modernization of other branches of economy as well. The USSR paid great attention to the development of military-industrial complex; these plants produced civil products as well. Our analysis shows that there is a potential in our country, and we need to take it into consideration to achieve better results,” Artur Baghdasaryan said.
Head of the strategy implementation department of the National Security Council Aram Tananyan introduced the results of the analysis made at the National Security Council.
Head of the military-industrial department of the Ministry of Defence Mourad Isakhanyan presented the existing issues in the conceptual directions of military-industrial complex development.
The heads of the enterprises expressed their concerns over certain issues and proposed ways of solution.
Summarizing the meeting, Artur Baghdasaryan highlighted the importance of the analysis of present issues and the right directions towards development. “Our meetings with Russian and Belarusian companies already produce the first results, there are pre-arrangements, some documents are signed which will help enhance ties between Armenian enterprises and those of these countries. A special working group has been formed in the National Security Councils of Armenia and Russia, which will be working towards achieving concrete results in this domain. I am convinced we will register progress in several directions within one year.”
It was agreed to create a complete database based on the passports presented by the heads of the enterprises and work on practical initiatives.