Press releases


Enhance cooperation between Armenia and Poland

24 / 09 / 2009

NSC Secretary Artur Baghdasaryan received today Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Poland and State Secretary for European Integration.

The interlocutors discussed Armenian-Polish relationships. The two sides emphasized the importance of enhancement of bilateral relations and agreed to closely cooperate in the process of Armenian-Polish exchange of experience on Armenia’s way to European Integration. Mikolaj Dowgielewicz expressed willingness to support the establishment of EU Information Centers in Armenia based on Polish practice.
The parties also discussed the possibility of formation a simplified visa system between two countries. Mikolaj Dowgielewicz affirmed his support in this process.
With reference to the Armenian-Turkish relations Artur Baghdasaryan stated that Armenia strives to regulate the relations with Turkey without pre-conditions.