Press releases


The Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Gave a Speech at the "Global Security Forum"

22 / 05 / 2024

On May 22, Armen Grigoryan, Secretary of the Security Council, delivered a speech on "The Crossroads of Peace and the Perspective of Regional Interdependence" at the Global Security Forum in Doha.

The Secretary of the Security Council presented the details and advantages of the "Crossroads of Peace" project developed by the Armenian government. Within the above framework, A. Grigoryan spoke about the principles of unblocking communication channels - equality and reciprocity - and emphasised that the unblocked infrastructures should operate under the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the country where they are located.

During the speech, A. Grigoryan also presented the positive impact of the "Crossroads of Peace" project on having a safer and more stable region.